Starting High School

I am currently a sophomore in high school about to become a junior and I have advice for freshmen. It is most definitely not what you see in movies. It’s not like Mean Girls or Clueless. Don't get me wrong you have cliques but they’re not very prominent. Once you enter high school you HAVE to be careful who you become friends with. You don't want to be mixed in with the wrong crowd because it can ruin the rest of your life. Just be yourself don't care about what people think about you because they will talk crap about you either way.

I don't know how much I have to stress this grades do MATTER. You might think that it’s freshmen year nobody cares. They do. If you fail your classes you're going to have to make up those classes in senior year while everyone is at home sleeping in. Don't be that senior. Colleges are also looking at your grades through out your whole highschool career through you GPA. Imagine you got a 1.5 gpa freshmen year and then you got a 4.0 in senior year to try to make it up. That 1.5 is going to lower your gpa by a lot. Just do your work.